Our Matinee Idol

ohmygoodness!!!! i am freaking out!
okay, everyone, i'm back from santa fe.
get comfy 'cause this is a long one....
*just as a reference - Santa Fe Cares (SFC) is the
community AIDS foundation that was putting on the
whole event "Live at the Opera" and Alex, Carolyn,
Valerie, Shelley, Jerry, and Robyn all work there.
...okay my night started at about 5:45p (saturday, the
18th). i got to the Santa Fe Cares office where
Valerie was supposed to meet me and give me a ride to
the opera. Upon arrival i found a note taped on the
wall that said "Molly - i had to go to the Opera
early. Shelley will pick you up in the Jag around
6-6:15. Sorry about the confusion -V"
- now, i had never met Shelley before, and "the Jag"
was an awesome little green 1987 Jaguar that SFC was
raffling off after the concert.
so i waited and waited and Shelly finally showed up at
about 6:45. it was okay though - she was really cool -
funny as hell, she this cute little woman from Texas -
i found out later that she was 32, but she acts like
she's 25.
anyway....on the way to the Opera, Shelley says this:
"Guess what i did last night! - i hung out at the
Paramount [the poshest bar/club in Santa Fe] with
Rufus Wainwright until 2:00 am!" and then she goes
onto tell me how at the dinner the night before (for
the performers and those concert-goers that had payed
for $250 tickets) she and Ruf had kinda hooked up over
some cigarettes and he asked where the cool bars
were...one thing led to another and they were all
hanging out. Jeff(Ruf's Bass player) and i think Kevin
(Ruf's drummer) and a bunch of other people were there
to - just hanging out and getting drunk.
so we get to the opera and i beg Alex, Carolyn, and
Valerie to let me backstage - but they said no :-(
so then i went to find my seat !!! FRONT ROW!!! two
seats more to the right and i would have been exact
center! now this is weird - the Opera house has no
walls, well no side walls anyway, and Santa Fe is at a
very high altitude and it was f*cking COLD that
....concert starts - Ned Sublette opened and only did
3 songs - he was kinda goofy - reminded me a lot of
Lyle Lovette, but with a Latin twist. Then Bea Arthur
came out and spoke and introduced Chris Calloway - and
she rocked! Chris was SOOO funny, she only did 3 songs
too, but she was fantastic...
And then they took a really long time setting up the
stage for Rufus...but suddenly - there he was! i
noticed him the second he stepped out from backstage,
but he walked to the piano and sat down REALLY
quickly, and it took people a few seconds to realize
that this was Rufus, so he didn't get the big applause
intro that he should have had. he was wearing a pink
button-up shirt and khaki colored sailor pants with
little buttons on the front, red & white & either
black or navy blue argyle socks, and his funny shoes
that look like they should be boots, but are actually
really short.
oh, and he was drinkin' a Corona...
Beauty Mark
Foolish Love
Damned Ladies
Liberty Cabbage
Imaginary Love
- i know, very short, but there were still a couple of
other performers left to go.
so, ummm, he didn't talk all that much - he mentioned
how honored he was to be playing the opera cause he
was "such an opera freak" and of course when he played
California he explained the Bea Arthur line: "Okay,
this next song i wrote when i was living in Los
Angeles, recording my album. And i didn't know anyone
and i was watching a lot of television - especially
the golden girls. And i was really missing my family
so i sort of looked up to Bea Arthur as 'my new
grandma'." and as he was explaining it and singing the
line, he kept looking off stage, so you knew she was
watching.... oh, and he said that he noticed that you
fart a lot in santa fe - cause of all the beans!
ummm, okay that was the end of the first half of the
concert...and the funny thing is that i had this
really bad feeling that Rufus wasn't going to go to
the reception after the concert. (For those of you
who don't know, people that paid $150 or more for
their tickets got to attend the "post-concert
reception" with the performers". Anyway, i was really
cold and really antsy and i was trying to get Valerie
and Alex to let me go back stage. they just kind of
laughed and said no. So I was watching the last couple
of acts from the back of the opera house cause I was
so cold. and from where I was standing - because there
were no walls at the opera house - I could see over
the short walls to the sides of the seating, and I saw
Ned Sublette come out from backstage to watch Albita
"fiery cuban singer" so I went down to meet him, said
that I enjoyed his performance n' stuff. I think he
thought that I was trying to hit on him or something,
he kept leaning really close to me to talk to me - it
was kind of creepy. ... so I asked him if he could
bring me back stage to meet Rufus, and he said "Oh
sure, I'll bring you back there, no problem, but I
think that he's already left" !!! but he's going to
the reception right!?!, and he said, "Well, you never
know with some of these musicians..."
So he brought me back there and I met this cute boy
that was working backstage and he confirmed that rufus
had already left, but then he said, "He might have
gone to the Paramount, I mentioned it to him..." I was
like, yeah, he was there last night too.... But of
course, the Paramount is a 21+ club.
I was SOOO upset, I mean, I'd spent close to $400 to
come see this man...
So then I went back out and soon the concert was over
and I found Shelley and we went to the reception. and
of course Ruf wasn't there and I was really depressed
and sitting by myself smoking a clove cigarette. Ned
came over and said hi again, and he was actually kind
of sweet, said he wished Rufus was there so I wouldn't
look so sad...
Anyway, then Valerie came over and was like, "You're
pretty upset about not seeing Rufus, huh? - maybe we
can do something to help you find him. let's go back
stage to see if he's still there." but I had already
been backstage of course, so I told her that I knew he
wasn't there, that he was probably at the Paramount.
So she and Robyn and Shelley conspired and decided
that Shelly would bring me to the club instead of bringing me back to my sister's college, and that
Shelley would try to get me in - say that I was her
niece or something.
So we got to the club, and they wouldn't let me in !@#$*(%)@
Shelley tells me to wait outside and she's go in and
look for Rufus.
As I was waiting, the cute boy from backstage arrived.
He said hello as he was about to walk in the door.....
Shelley comes out at says that she's looked everywhere
- Rufus was not in the Paramount. !@#$%#$*&@!&@#!
Then she asked me what I wanted to do, if I wanted to
take go back to the college, and I said, just let me
think for a minute...and then I turned a little to the
sorry so long, but it's just getting good!!
So anyway, I walk up to Rufus and said hi, and he said
hi back, and Jeff was with him, and I said hi to him
too, and Shelley came up behind me and Rufus
remembered her from the night before and said hello,
Shelley sort of introduced me, and Ruf remembered me
form portland! He said "We've met before, right? Where
do I know you from?" and I said Portland, Oregon, and
said "Oh! That's right! They wouldn't let you into the
concert!" and Jeff remembered me too, It was SO COOL!
So I did get to see him finally, and I had a great night... maybe he’ll
recognize me again the next time he comes my way... :-)
~love & kisses & waves of radiance~

Where To Now?

HOME: I want to start over, bring me home!
REVIEWS: I want to read more reviews, bring me back!

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